
1、ホテル ケーニヒス・クローネ(三ノ宮駅 徒歩9分)

2、ホテルピエナ神戸(三ノ宮駅 徒歩8分)
4、ホテル ラ・スイート神戸ハーバーランド(三ノ宮駅 タクシー9分)

5、神戸みなと温泉 蓮(三ノ宮駅 シャトルバス8分)

6、竹中大工道具館(新神戸駅 徒歩3分)

7、神戸アンパンマンこどもミュージアム&モール(神戸駅 徒歩8分)

8、ナガサワ文具センター(三ノ宮駅 徒歩7分)


1、ホテル ケーニヒス・クローネ

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You can turn it off in left sidebar. To use advanced options, you will need to enter your own Google Maps API Key.

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You are in advanced mode.

You can turn it off in left sidebar. To use advanced options, you will need to enter your own Google Maps API Key.

Get Google API Key


You are in advanced mode.

You can turn it off in left sidebar. To use advanced options, you will need to enter your own Google Maps API Key.

Get Google API Key

4、ホテル ラ・スイート神戸ハーバーランド

You are in advanced mode.

You can turn it off in left sidebar. To use advanced options, you will need to enter your own Google Maps API Key.

Get Google API Key

5、神戸みなと温泉 蓮

You are in advanced mode.

You can turn it off in left sidebar. To use advanced options, you will need to enter your own Google Maps API Key.

Get Google API Key


月曜定休 9:30 - 16:30(入館は16:00まで)

You are in advanced mode.

You can turn it off in left sidebar. To use advanced options, you will need to enter your own Google Maps API Key.

Get Google API Key


10:00 - 17:00(ミュージアム最終入館 16:00)

You are in advanced mode.

You can turn it off in left sidebar. To use advanced options, you will need to enter your own Google Maps API Key.

Get Google API Key


10:00 - 21:00

You are in advanced mode.

You can turn it off in left sidebar. To use advanced options, you will need to enter your own Google Maps API Key.

Get Google API Key